Intuitive Energy Healing and Neuroplasticity
Hands of Light – Touch without Touching
What is it, that you would like to improve in your life?
Every human being has a life journey to “travel” through. We are the creators of our life. What happens tomorrow is your act today. Some of us go through anything without considerable problems, while others meet obstacles that are hard to overcome alone. Sometimes a simple conversation with stranger as myself, for instance can be enough to release your tension. It is because I do not judge, as it would happen while talking to a best friend or family member. Healing Energy and Visualization combined with Neuroplasticity can help to heal your life.
Intuitive healing is a type of holistic healing that focuses on the emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of a person. It is based on the belief that our bodies have the innate ability to heal themselves, and that a skilled practitioner can help to facilitate this healing process by tapping into their intuitive abilities. Intuitive healers use their intuition, empathy, and psychic abilities to tune into the energy fields of their clients and identify areas of blockage or imbalance. They may use a variety of techniques, such as visualization, meditation, or chakra balancing, to help remove these blockages and promote healing.
There are no boundaries between us for healing to happen
1-on-1 Private
These sessions take place either in the Netherlands (Breda or Oosterhout NB) or in Japan (Tokyo, Oita and Beppu). It depends on where I am at the moment.
Visionary Groups
“Getting Together” for small groups of people who share the same values about consciousness. Available online and offline.
Online Sessions
Living Life Today Sessions includes: Relaxations, Visualisation through which we will be working on Neuroplasticity.
Who Am I ?
Hi, I am Adam
I help people like you who are looking for alternative ways to improve their health and general wellbeing. I use relaxation, intuitive energy healing through my “warm hearted” hands to relax and balance your body without physical touch. I will also give you tips on neuroplasticity, which is the process of creating new neural connections (rewiring the brain) When we first meet, we will have a chat so I can get to know you a little better.
Testimonials from my clients
What They Are Saying...
Tijdens de sessie zelf ervaarde ik niet zoveel, maar de volgende dag merkte ik dat ik veel meer ruimte had in mijn knie en dat de stijfheid en blokkade die er zat zo goed als verdwenen was. Van de fysiotherapeute hoefde ik niet meer terug te komen voor verdere behandeling!
Ook tijdens de behandeling straalt Adam een zekere rust uit. Hij weet heel goed waar de problemen zitten en gaat ook op die plaatsen aan het werk waar het nodig is. Ook mij vroew was heel positief over de behandeling en zij voelde precies wat hij aan het doen was. Wij hebben dan ook niets anders als dat we alleen maar positief over Adam kunnen zijn.
My sessions are available by appointment only.
De Maretak Nieuwetijdswinkel
Van Goorstraat 1
Gezondheidscentrum Oosterhout
Mathildastraat 5B
(is en in het verlengde van de winkel van Broeders Gezondheidswinkel aan de Keiweg 7